Current post on Nextdoor.

  • Dream it.

    Hello! My name is Liam Curry and I am a student at Loyola High School of Los Angeles. I am the founder of Music Makes a Difference LA ( which is an organization devoted to supporting creativity, environmental awareness, and equal opportunities for children through the gift of music.

    I organize used instrument donations for non-profit organizations or schools in underserved communities.

    I got this idea over the pandemic when I realized my elementary and middle school violin had just been gathering dust in the garage. Over the last couple years, I have successfully collected and donated used instruments to various organizations/schools. These instruments consisted of string, wind, and small percussion instruments as well as electric keyboards.

  • Build it.

    The response to these donation drives has been overwhelmingly positive and I would like to keep this momentum going!

    The current non-profit organization that I am collecting instruments for is Harmony Project who I have worked with in the past. Harmony Project has been serving the Los Angeles area for over 20 years and continues to provide both music education as well as support of college accessibility to underserved children.

  • Grow it.

    I will be collecting instruments and taking them to Harmony Project by October 1st. If you have an instrument that you would like to donate, please let me know and I can pick it up.

    Thank you for taking time out of your day to read my post.

    To make a donation text me at 310-662-3004 or email me at