Music Makes a Difference LA is an organization that collects used instruments and donates them to non-profit organizations and schools in less economically fortunate areas. Our goal is to give children the opportunity to experience playing a musical instrument who otherwise wouldn't have the resources to do so.

This increased accessibility to music for the next generation will hopefully lead to musical instruments to be carried along into the next generation as well. Furthermore, music not only provides a set time away from the over-stimulation of screens but also is proven to lower stress levels which directly correlates to increased academic performance.

After being exposed to this newfound wonderment and excitement that is foreign to many children today as a result of screens, those who played an instrument at a young age will be more open to engaging in the world around them in new ways until they find what brings them the most comfort/joy.

Regarding sustainability, our approach to providing increased accessibility to musical instruments through collecting used instruments promotes the idea of not wasting items that are in perfectly good condition, especially if they are not being used.

Relaxation in a world of over-stimulation.