Phone: (310) 662-3004


Hello! My name is Liam Curry, and I am the founder of Music Makes a Difference LA.

Here’s a little about me:

I am currently a High School Student at Loyola High School in Los Angeles, California and I love photography, cars, video games, and sunsets.

Growing up, I tried out multiple instruments ranging from the violin, to the piano, to even the guitar but I never stuck with one in particular. I feel this is what happens to most people when they play an instrument at a young age so some people might think that it was a complete waste of time. I disagree. I believe that music, especially when incorporated into a school’s schedule, provided me a time of mental rest and a time where my mind did not have to constantly be on edge like it was during regular classroom time.

Since most children grow out of their instrument(s) and stop playing as they grow older, passing on the instruments to the children of the next generation is beneficial for both the donating party and the children who go on to play the instruments.

This increased access to instruments and music will hopefully provide a period of mental rest that was very much needed when I was growing up and is even more needed now resulting from the over-stimulation humans experience on a daily basis. Although I do not partake in playing an instrument anymore, being exposed to music at a young age has taught me how to find other niches in life that provide me with this same bit of mental relaxation that every person should experience regularly to both maximize one’s efficiency and feel the best one can feel.